Decor Crush: Daisy Emerson

Decor Crush: Daisy Emerson

This is a brand new series in the 'Decor' section of Dotty Dishes and I've been very excited about sharing this with you all! Having a huge love of interiors means there are brands that I follow that I have a huge crush on, where I just love their products and their style. In this new series, I will be sharing my biggest 'Decor Crushes' and interviewing the person behind the brand.

And, I'm delighted to have the extremely talented Daisy Emerson as my first Decor Crush! 

Daisy is an illustrator and sign-writer and if you're not already aware of her then you're missing out. She has a love of pink and pastel shades and isn't afraid of a bit of glitter and the way she takes simple yet bold words and makes them into something wonderfully eye-catching is such a talent. Aswell as her own painted signs, prints and cards which she sells on her shop (*warning* - you'll want everything!), she has also worked with the likes of Michael Kors, Google, Adidas and John Lewis, creating customised work. It's not just me who is a big fan.

I first became aware of Daisy when I noticed some rather cool sign writing above some cash points off Carnaby Street in London. The writing, colours and statement words all made me stop and stare and I immediately googled to see who had designed it - it was of course, Daisy Emerson.

I then discovered her Instagram account, which is a thing of beauty showcasing her travels and things she's inspired by alongside her own work, and it's a spectacle of pastel colours and such a feast for the eyes. Daisy is currently doing up her house and I cannot wait to see what she does with it and am hoping she'll chart her progress on Instagram as she has done with her cool Bathroom sign below. 

Once I'd discovered Daisy Emerson, I of course began to lust after her work, and it was this cool print, that she'd designed for the 'Film 4 Summer Screen Print' exhibition at Somerset House last year entitled 'Bite Me', that first struck a chord and it's still on my artwork wishlist today! 

Daisy has such an identifiable style, in both her work and her Instagram, and I love how she combines modern and retro typography with bright colours, bold words and humour. 

So, when I got in touch with Daisy recently and asked if she would be the first in my 'Decor Crush' series and she said yes, I was rather chuffed - her style pretty much sums up mine of 'Eclectic Modern Retro' so I couldn't think of a better first guest for this series. 

I asked Daisy five questions about her style, her influences and how she got where she is today...

1.    How would you define your style?

I like a mixture of old and contemporary with a pop of colour, mainly pink! I’m drawn to classic pieces which may have been re-worked in some modern way. A bit like how I define my work really….a traditional craft with a modern twist.

2.    What inspires your work?

Lots of things, interiors, architecture, photography, design, fashion….anything which tends to catch my eye I think. Instagram is another big inspirational tool. You can scroll down your feed and in an instant be met with multiple inspiring accounts and imagery. I do love colour as a starter, if something is catching my eye it’s usually down to a colour palette or a bold statement or word.

3.    How did you get to where you are today?

I wasn’t always doing what I do now. I actually didn’t finish my degree at London University of the Arts waaaay back when, instead I took a year out to decide what I really wanted to do and then somehow fell into various jobs in the creative sector but I was never really fulfilled with what I was doing. I did events then creative production but I was always frustrated at managing the creative rather then being the one doing it! I decided to go full time freelance a few years ago and I’ve not looked back. The 10 years or so experience of working in those creative jobs has been so valuable to me though which is great and I wouldn’t change it.

4.    What new projects do you have coming up?

Well currently I am putting lots of effort into my wedding which is in about a months time! I will of course be painting lots of the signage for the day so at the moment that’s what I’m currently focusing on! I’m going to be concentrating on trying to do a lot more personal pieces also. I think a lot of the time when you’re working for clients you can lose sight of your own work and style and get a bit stuck in a rut which is how I have felt for some of this year. I’ve done a lot of travel too with work which tends to make projects difficult to stick to or finish.

5.    Who or what is your decor crush?

I find myself being drawn to house plants at the moment! I used to think the thought of house plants pretty hideous but I can’t seem to get enough of them now, I want to buy loads! 

I of course couldn't end the interview without asking her some questions related to the main focuses of this blog so Daisy also told me her Dining, Destination and Decor picks...

  • Favourite Dining Spot?

I love Clerkenwell Grind for it’s interior, a mixture of marble surfaces and pink velvet seating with beautiful brass accents and neon. It’s actually heaven.

I have just recently bought a blush pink velvet sofa which I’m totally in love with!

  • Favourite Destination?

The USA, every time I visit I love it more. I was lucky enough to travel to LA and NYC earlier this year for work and the Americans definitely know how to do service. I can’t wait to visit again for a 2.5 week trip round California for our Honeymoon starting in Las Vegas!

  • Favourite Decor?

Anything scandi style or monochrome with that pop of pink! Also loving rich velvets and anything marble…!

Daisy has recently finished a brand new screen print and I am in love with it! In her token style, it's a bold word "ADORE" finished in pink and 22ct Chinese gold leaf and there are only 40 prints available, which each numbered and signed. It's available to buy here.

Thank you to Daisy for taking the time to answer my questions and for supplying all of these gorgeous pictures! Look out for the second 'Decor Crush' feature coming next month...


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