The most colourful Christmas 2018 decorations

The most colourful Christmas 2018 decorations

Now, you might think it’s too early to be discussing Christmas decorations but there is nothing like being organised. And I am still regretting missing out on a leopard face Christmas bauble from John Lewis last year because I didn’t get in early enough so I refuse to miss out this year… and I’m not going that happen to you either!

Christmas in our house is not a low key affair. It doesn’t involve matching decorations or a one-colour scheme and it’s in no way minimal. What it is, is an over the top kaleidoscope of colours with every surface that has any free space covered in decorations.

It’s eclectic. It’s bold. And most of all, it’s fun. It’s what I think a Christmas home should be!

As you will all know, I am a colour lover and that doesn’t stop at Christmas time - Christmas only comes once a year and for me, that doesn’t mean decorating everything with either silver or gold or red or green. The opportunity for colour is huge and it’s a time to embrace it and go a bit wild - what other time of year can you fill your house with paper pom poms, glitter, tinsels and while we’re at it, an actual outdoor tree?!

If you too want to bring in the colour this Christmas then you’re in luck, as I’ve rounded up what I think are the best colourful Christmas decorations available now. I’m not going to lie, I may have self-gifted myself some of these, as you can see in these pictures… well, you always need a new bauble or two each Christmas don’t you?!



I’d love to know if you order any of my colourful Christmas picks or if you have any good Christmas decorations that you’ve come across!

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