Fish Pie with Cauliflower Cheese Mash

Fish Pie with Cauliflower Cheese Mash

If you fancy a rich an indulgent dish but you want to keep your carb intake lower, this is the perfect recipe. The mash tastes delicious with the creamy fish sauce and the crispy cheese on the top adds the perfect finishing touch! 


Makes 2 individual pies or one big one serving 2

For the Fish Pie:

  • 2 Salmon Fillets

  • 12-14 raw King Prawns

  • 3 Shallots

  • 2 cloves of Garlic

  • 1 tbsp Rapeseed Oil

  • 1/2 tub of Creme Fraiche

  • 50ml of Semi Skimmed Milk

  • 50ml White Wine

  • 1 tbsp Wholegrain Mustard

  • Zest of 1 Lemon and juice of 1/2 a Lemon

  • 2 handfuls of Spinach

  • Handful of Frozen Peas

  • Grating of Nutmeg

  • 1 tbsp grated Parmesan Cheese

  • Black Pepper to season

For the Cauliflower Mash:

  • 1/2 large Cauliflower

  • 75ml Chicken Stock

  • 1 tbsp Butter

  • 15g Parmesan Cheese

  • 1 tbsp Garlic Oil

  • Black Pepper to season

Takes 10 minutes to prepare, 10 minutes cooking on the hob and 25 minutes cooking at 180 degrees in a fan oven (200 degrees if not)

  1. Put the salmon fillets in a saucepan of boiling water and poach for 5 minutes. Drain then remove the skin and set aside.

  2. Meanwhile, cut the cauliflower into chunks and pulse in a blender until you have a grain like consistency.

  3. Add to a saucepan with the butter and chicken stock and cook on a low heat until the liquid has evaporated and the cauliflower is cooked.

  4. While the cauliflower is cooking, finely chop the shallots and garlic and heat the oil in a frying pan. Add the shallots and garlic and cook for a few minutes before adding the prawns.

  5. When the prawns are pink, take the poached salmon fillets and flake the fish in big chunks into the frying pan, stirring everything together

  6. Add the wholegrain mustard, white wine, lemon zest and juice and cook until the wine has evaporated.

  7. Next add the peas and spinach and cook until the spinach has wilted then add the creme fraiche and semi skimmed milk, stirring everything together.

  8. Grate in the nutmeg and season with black pepper and lastly add in a tbsp of grated parmesan cheese and take off the heat.

  9. Put the cooked cauliflower back into the blender and pulse until it is a smooth paste like consistency. Add half of the grated parmesan cheese and stir until combined.

  10. Spoon the fish mixture into two individual pie dishes or one large dish and add the cauliflower mash to the top.

  11. Use a spoon to smooth out then push the potato up into rough peaks with the spoon to create texture to the top of the pie before adding a little garlic oil around each peak and topping with the remaining parmesan.

  12. Bake in the oven for around 25 minutes until the top is golden and crisp.

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